Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$inline_featured_image is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_last_editor_used_jetpack is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_date_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$image_meta is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$_wp_attachment_metadata is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_date_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_password is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_name is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$to_ping is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$pinged is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_content_filtered is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_mime_type is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_count is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$image_meta is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$_wp_attachment_metadata is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_date_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_password is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_name is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$to_ping is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$pinged is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_content_filtered is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$guid is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

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Deze workshop is bedoeld om je in korte tijd kennis te laten maken met Chi Neng Qigong en je te laten voelen wat deze bewegingsleer met je doet en wat het voor je zou kunnen betekenen. In een kennismaking met Chi Neng Qigong vertellen we eerst een korte introductie over de achtergrond en de totaliteit die erachter schuilt.

Je hoeft niet lenig te zijn om de oefeningen te kunnen doen, integendeel je wordt er vitaler van. Je hoeft niet ziek te zijn, Chi Neng Qigong is ook waardevol ter preventie. Een ervaring doet meer dan duizend woorden. (Je kunt Chi Neng Qigong ook combineren met een reguliere behandeling)

We gaan verder praktisch aan de slag en maak je kennis met een aantal basis-oefeningen van Chi Neng Qigong. Merk je dat het iets voor jou is, dan kun je je aanmelden voor de Basiscursus Chi Neng Qigong.

Waar: Praktijk Ton van de Pas, Meldersloseweg 121a, Melderslo
Hoe laat: Kijk in de agenda voor de data en tijdstip.
Prijs: € 24,95.

Zin om mee te doen? Kijk in de agenda voor data en inschrijven.

Meer informatie? Stuur een e-mail!

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Chi Neng Limburg zou graag uw mailadres gebruiken voor het toezenden van de nieuwsbrief. Gaat u akkoord?