Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$inline_featured_image is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_edit_lock is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_wp_page_template is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_edit_last is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$content_section is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_content_section is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$_last_editor_used_jetpack is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_date_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$comment_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$ping_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_password is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_name is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$to_ping is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$pinged is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_modified is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_modified_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_content_filtered is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$guid is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$menu_order is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$post_mime_type is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$comment_count is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$filter is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Post::$status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Online Verdiepingstraining

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$image_meta is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$_wp_attachment_metadata is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_date_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$ping_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_password is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_name is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$to_ping is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$pinged is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_content_filtered is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$guid is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$menu_order is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_mime_type is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_count is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$filter is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$image_meta is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$_wp_attachment_metadata is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_date_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$ping_status is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_password is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_name is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$to_ping is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$pinged is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_modified_gmt is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_content_filtered is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$guid is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$menu_order is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$post_mime_type is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$comment_count is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Timber\Image::$filter is deprecated in /home/chineng/domains/ on line 71

Voor degenen die een basiscursus gevolgd / ervaring hebben is het mogelijk om aan een online verdiepingstraining Chi Neng Qigong deel te nemen. Deze bestaat uit een les van 1 uur. In deze cursus wordt hoofdzakelijk aandacht gegeven aan de verdieping van de basis -oefeningen van Level 1 van Chi Neng Qigong en vullen we aan met nieuwe Chi Neng Qigong oefeningen uit level 2 en 3, middels intensievere trainingen.

Door bepaalde oefeningen uit de Chi Neng Qigong langer uit te voeren, ervaar je wat de oefeningen voor jouw lichaam en geest kunnen betekenen om daarmee een volgende stap te zetten in je persoonlijke proces.

Tevens ervaar je dat je de oefeningen op je eigen niveau uitvoert.

Ook als je de oefeningen kent is het fijn om ze juist samen uit te voeren omdat je dan meestal een diepere uitwerking ervaart.

In de verstilling liggen de antwoorden.

Waar: Online (via Teams)
Hoe laat: Kijk in de agenda voor de data en tijdstip.
Prijs: € 10,00 per persoon. Voor degene die gebruik maken van de strippenkaart € 7,50 per persoon.

Zin om mee te doen? Kijk in de agenda voor data en inschrijven.

Meer informatie? Stuur een e-mail!

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Chi Neng Limburg zou graag uw mailadres gebruiken voor het toezenden van de nieuwsbrief. Gaat u akkoord?